# Request Status Codes
For all requests, we will return an HTTP status code that indicates a success or the problem that has led to the failure.
A successful request will be returned with status code 200
# API Error Codes
# 401
Invalid authentication credentials
# 403
You are not allowed to use this endpoint, please [upgrade your plan](https://app.cu# Request Status Codes
For all requests, we will return an HTTP status code that indicates a success or the problem that has led to the failure.
A successful request will be returned with status code 200
# API Error Codes
# 401
Invalid authentication credentials
# 403
You are not allowed to use this endpoint, please upgrade your plan (opens new window).
# 404
A requested endpoint does not exist
# 422
Validation error, please check the list of validation errors: here
# 429
You have hit your rate limit or your monthly limit. For more requests please upgrade your plan (opens new window).
# 500
Internal Server Error - let us know: support@freeiplookupapi.com
# Validation errors
# Invalid Ip
The ip
must be a valid IP address
# Missing ip
The ip
parameter is required
# Invalid language
The selected language
is invalid
Should be an ISO Alpha 2 Language Code for localising the ip data